International Missions

Our church deeply values the work of missionaries, recognizing their essential role in spreading faith and compassion worldwide. We proudly support 10 missionaries who are dedicated to serving diverse communities across the globe.
The Living Hope Missions Committee exists to further the cause of Christ by informing,
educating, and mobilizing the congregation in acts of service that proclaim the Good
News of Christ.
You can find information at the bottom of this page about getting involved in Missions with Living Hope Church.
Patrick & Amber Martin
Patrick & Amber work with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ).
Their work involves equipping others to serve in ministry as well as managing the international outreach program every summer in the Smoky mountains.
Stewart Humphry
Stewart works with Reach Global - EFCA in crisis response.
The members of the crisis response team are committed to physical and spiritual transformation, and work to rebuild lives and communities by sharing the hope of Christ—all through the ministry of local churches.
To learn more about the Reach Global crisis response team visit them here.

Mark & Jodi Revell
Mark & Jodi are missionaries through Reach Global.
Through a spectrum of ministries in more than 40 countries around the world, Reach Global empowers disciples who make disciples in their local context.
To learn more about the Reach Global visit them here.
John & Jo Beth Lee
John & Jo Beth work with Reach Global through the EFCA.
Through a spectrum of ministries in more than 40 countries around the world, Reach Global empowers disciples who make disciples in their local context.
To learn more about the Reach Global team in Japan visit them here.

Kevin & Kathy Bruce
Kevin & Kathy work with Liebenzell Missions.
Founded in 1941, Liebenzell USA is dedicated to serving God passionately and sharing Christ personally and locally. With missionaries spread across different countries, our goal is to share the gospel with the world by mobilizing missionaries and their supporters to “go and make disciples of all nations.”
To learn more about the Liebenzell Missions visit them here.
Phillip & Christiana Brande
Phil & Christiana work with RCE International.
RCE serves international Christian schools and education ministries in their mission of providing exceptional educational opportunities with a biblical foundation and Christian worldview.
To learn more about RCE International visit them here.

International Needs, Ghana: Ministry Leadership
Ghana, Africa
International Needs (IN Network) is a global partnership of Christian organizations that are transforming the lives of men, women, and children in a practical and holistic way. IN helps education, water and sanitation needs, health and medical services, with agriculture, and advocacy and social justice services.
To learn more about the IN Network visit them here.
Tim Garrett
Tim & DeAnn work with the Frontiers organization.
Frontiers is working to fulfill the Great Commission. Their global priorities focus on the peoples and places with the least access to the Gospel. To this end, they work to recruit, train, and send teams of workers to live in Muslim communities and bring Christ's message to those who have yet to hear it.
To learn more about Frontiers visit them here.

Tibor Miklos
Tibor (Tibi) is the founder and director of the Bartimeus Foundation.
The Bartimeus Foundation is an interdenominational Christian organization. The purpose of this foundation is to reach the blind, the partially sighted, and their families in Hungary and in central Europe with the hope of the Good news to build a relationship between the disabled and Jesus Christ through Christian contents and programs.
To learn more about the Bartimeus Foundation visit them here.

Interested in Missions?
We are excited you are here to join us in serving. We have opportunities throughout the year to serve. If you are interested in joining us on one of our trips, you can see our policy for requesting support below.
● Individuals are limited to two requests per year, and second request is as
funds/projects allow. Requests for support must come from each individual/family
unit planning to go.
● Participants are required to attach their support letter for prayer and any
additional finances needed to the application.
● At the committee’s discretion, training provided by the committee may be a
stipulation to receive funds. Every applicant will be required to read either From
Foreign to Familiar or Helping Without Hurting.
● Funds will be distributed from the missions budget based on a percentage of the
trip cost, as provided by sending agency.
● No funds will be given directly to individuals, but will be sent to the sending agency to be applied to the individuals account. A budget for the trip
should be submitted with the application.
● Per the elder board and pastor, financial requests from individuals to the
congregation generally will not be allowed for personal trips. Church-sponsored
trips (those organized by the missions committee) may be allowed to do so with
permission from the elder board and pastor. Requests should be directed to the
committee chair.
● In the event of a trip cancellation, the individual/family unit receiving the funds
will contact the missions committee with an update on the trip being rescheduled
or completely cancelled. If a trip will not be rescheduled, the committee reserves
the right to request the funds be repaid.