Our Story
The story of a local church, like an individual, unfolds in a unique way. An appreciation of the beginning and past provides perspective for understanding its present manifestation.
Living Hope Church, formerly Grace Evangelical Free Church (GEFC), began through some group Bible studies in the 1980’s. The desire was to establish a Bible-preaching church in Jefferson City that was open to people from a variety of backgrounds. We encourage all to develop a personal relationship with Christ and welcome into membership all who show evidence of such a relationship.
The first public worship service was on Easter in 1986. Bart Larson preached those very first sermons. At that time, the congregation was characterized by systematic teaching of the Scriptures, a family atmosphere, a concern to reach the lost, and support for missions. Many church plants do not survive more than a few years, and Living Hope endured its share of challenges.
In 1998, Mark Kiekheafer was called to become the pastor. A congregation is more than its pastor or even its members. There is a dynamic of the Spirit at work in the group life of the people. Many people have come and gone; each one was significant.
At the end of 2023, Pastor Mark retired and Pastor Brandon Nygaard was called as our new pastor. He will continue to lead our congregation forward.
We long to see people transformed by God’s word to transform the world. It can happen, by one person at a time.
Come join in our story.